Sunday, rainy. Basically, I realised I have been neglecting/neglected my blog for, quite a long time i guess. Life has been rather busy recently. Travel here and there. So, to sum up my 2 weeks life, shall note down what i could remember. (:
The Happening (Movie )

''The Happening is a paranoid thriller about a teacher, Elliott Moore (Mark Wahlberg), who takes his family on the run, in an attempt to survive a natural global environmental crisis that presents a large-scale threat to humanity. This film portrays the earth as being a victim of mankind's doings, which causes a global backlash. An invisible neurotoxin is admitted into the air that causes people to become suicidal. ''
Well, overall, for me, it's a movie of some nice creepy moments -- but other moments, and more, of (presumably) unintended humor. Basically, It emphasize alot on the effects of global warming. For me, it is not a recommended movie, as most parts of the movie are like, runnning away, avoiding themselves from the harmful wind, which might carrying viruses, that cause people to commit suicide, unconciously. Well, some unintended humor, as Mark Wahlberg, the lead actor, tried to communicate with the plant, asking it the reason of the spread of virus (as plants are believed, are the ones that spreading the viruses around) , and only realising it was a plant that just made of plastic. lol. -.-'
Creepy moments, when a sudden shooting of shotgun, blast on kids forehead, using a stick-like thingy poke through the neck (ouch! ). Overall, nothing much "happening" here. (:
Trip Back To Malaysia
Been away from hometown, for around, 3 months i guess? Decided to visit my family out there. Took train there. I was supposed to give my mummy a call, so that she could fetch me from the train station. Unfortunately, I realised that i was out of coins( as in RM ) to make a call. Ohmy. I thought it will be okay though, as there would be mamak stalls around the train station. It was already 11pm ++. I walked to one of the stall. Wondering what to buy, cause i was not really that hungry, AND, the best thing is that, I only have 2 fifty dollars note with me! No smaller change, nothing. God. I stood there for quite long, deciding. The man at the counter keep staring at me, wondering what i want. At last, I walked to the counter, and picked up 2 candies from the bottle on top of the counter table. (I also dont know why am I that, dumb? at that moment ) HAHA. Well, as expected, the counter guy rejected me, telling me he dont have smaller change for me, as i only bought like, 50 cents item? So, as I was quite stubborn i guess, I walked off. lol. Continue my journey to find smaller change. walkwalkwalk. Almost reach home btw. Imagine how far i walked. haha. Found some mamak stall on the way, and, i learnt my lesson, just sit down and order 1 drink. Ahha. And i got some change to make a call! woots. unfortunately x2, all the public phones along the roadside are being badly vandalised! Alright, then i CONTINUE to walk! Around 12.30, father drove me home. And, it was because he was driving around, looking for me, as the train should arrived around 9pm, and it's delayed, till 11pm, and i was unable to give him a call, due to no coin. In the end, I walked so far for nothing. Just because of my ego i guess? lalala.
AndAnd, the food in malaysia was really a blast. Food, is part of the reason, i return to my hometown during holiday. Hehe. Fried kuay teow, a hawker which only starts business around 9pm and ends at 11pm, was quite a guy. He emphasis on quality, not quantity. Nowadays, hardly anyone, who did that. Prices are rising, shooting high up. Yet, salute to this guy, as i had a little conversation with him, which amazed me. (well, it's just my opinion? ) Deep-fried stingray with marvelous chilli sauce on it. Heavenly.
Luckily, I stayed there for just 3 days. If not, I would have gain more weight. (although I already GAINED some during this holiday, but, who cares, food is priority for me, at least. Hehe.
Attachment is starting tomorrow. As usual, the feeling of anxious, all over me. Furthermore, It's kids ! Will not be updating much during the following 2 weeks. Pardon me for that people. (: AND, I passed my NS3. woots. Take good care and enjoy your holiday/ attachment ppl! =]
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