Year 2009
First Saturday, Windy & Sunny.
Aloha! Hm. It's saturday today, and 3rd day of 2009.
Been quite busy starting of the year, and yet, lots of thoughts running through my mind.
Tons of worries, what a way to start a brand new year.
Oh well, bring it on. (:
So. How'd I spent my New Year Eve?
quite simple actually. Resting at home due to some flu + mild fever + dizzyness.
But, still managed to went out chilled and countdown with the gang.
Well, I can only say, either I'm getting older and older, or the atmosphere is getting from bad to worse,
Counting down for a fresh year, seems to be more & more meaningless, to me at least, maybe cuz I don't really
wish to grow up I guess.Yeehaa.
New Year Eve: Steamboat @ home. Gang came over, and destroy every single thing in my house.
They're not much difference than small kids lah! THEY BROKE MY COUSIN'S SWORD AND I GOT SCOLDED FOR YOUR INFO.
I'm not going to host any event in my house again! haha. Never! All the plate-washing,Cleaning all the utensils used, can send me straight to hell man. And I starting to feel like a maid. Oh, and without pay, free labour.
After Steamboat/ Havoc, went to downtown East to countdown. Threetwoone, yay. And went to chill somewhere nearby. Played some daredevils games, and got high. lol.
To end this, I love u all lovely people, who brighten up my 2008. Ups And Downs, We will go through it together, as a team, beloveds. You know who u are. Taptap on your shoulder, yes u may. (:
And I'm sorry, if I have been harsh, or unreasonable, or even caused some unhappiness, I would be more than willing to apologise face to face. Don't hide it all in. Speak out. Promise I will correct my flaws. (:
my new year resolution? I want to be richer. haha. and get better grades. typical wishes.
Overall, '' To Be A Better Man- Robbie Williams. '' (:
OUT TO SHOP . 'what u want for bday kingkong?'