Sunday, Midnight. Windy.
crawl out from bed at 10am. Early though.
due to the appearance of Axel, baby nephew.
He shouted loudly, ''uncle! wake up,play with me.'' of course, his pronounciation was bad, but cute. ;)
p.s. the word ''uncle''. Am I that old? I would like to be matured though.haha! taught him
whenever he sees me, ''kor-kor'' should be the words. Not uncle. but, unfortunately, I failed.
He remained the same. unclehereunclethere.
So, babysitted him for about 5 hours before going out for shoppingshopping
Axel fed me this vegetarian noodles. woolala!
cause I told him, uncle old already,no strength to eat. :D smartrightsmartright.

Tadah ! this is Axel, for your information. Ain't he simply adorable.

He's smart. Indeed. And I'm the patient of the day, as he's the doctor. He actually
appointed the roles. Aww. cutecute x2. 

Am I a joker or joker ? get it get it? haha. answeranswer.

So, finally, chosen 'The Flash' and bought it, instead of joker. Quite fitting and it's blue !
seriousy desperate for retail therapy. don't ask me why too. :)
and it's getting late now,resting soon, bye world. Adios.